300円委員会(Committee of 300yen)とは、日本に本部を置く影の世界政府の最高上層部とされる組織。日本庶民によって設立され、フリーメイソンの第33階級、最高大総監に相当する。





The 300 th committee (Committee of 300 yuen) is an organization that is regarded as the highest stratum of the shadow world government headquartered in Japan. Established by the common people of Japan, it is equivalent to the 33rd class of the Freemason, the highest general supervisor.


The fundamental idea of the 300 yen committee is "mottainai" (Mottainai). That supernational organization is the ultimate form of superpolitism, whose organizational composition is a reasonable giant inverted pyramid with the corner of secret societies of food at the top.


The conspiracy is said to be carried out secretly by the name food group (dating back to the time of eternity) through the proposal of 300 yen menu.






300 yen Although the fundamental idea of the committee is repeated, it is "mottainai" (Mottainai). Therefore, it is inevitable that it is inevitable to give opportunities to the common people of the people without leaking out.


Those who wish to participate in the 300 yen committee are required to take care of the value of 300 yen per day in their daily activities, as well as "300 yen" or 300 yen commission for hash tag postings to SNS etc. Meeting "or" for all humanity "to mutter during meals and play.


So you are always a member of the "300 yen committee". Let's rule the world together.